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Top History Books Charts in Canada - iTunes Chart Browser - TuneGeni

Roman Britain's Missing Legion - Simon Elliott
Roman Britain's Missing Legion - Simon Elliott
Roman Britain's Missing Legion - Simon Elliott


The Philosopher and the Druids - Philip Freeman
The Philosopher and the Druids - Philip Freeman
The Philosopher and the Druids - Philip Freeman


Empire of Crime - Tim Newark
Empire of Crime - Tim Newark
Empire of Crime - Tim Newark


The Forbidden Universe - Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince
The Forbidden Universe - Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince
The Forbidden Universe - Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince


The War We Won Apart - Nahlah Ayed
The War We Won Apart - Nahlah Ayed
The War We Won Apart - Nahlah Ayed


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William L. Shirer
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William L. Shirer
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich - William L. Shirer


The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson
The Devil in the White City - Erik Larson


The Day the World Came to Town - Jim Defede
The Day the World Came to Town - Jim Defede
The Day the World Came to Town - Jim Defede


Dispatches - Michael Herr
Dispatches - Michael Herr
Dispatches - Michael Herr


A Short History of the Civil War - DK
A Short History of the Civil War - DK
A Short History of the Civil War - DK


The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson
The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson
The Demon of Unrest - Erik Larson


The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Damien Lewis
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Damien Lewis
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Damien Lewis


When the Clock Broke - John Ganz
When the Clock Broke - John Ganz
When the Clock Broke - John Ganz


Fifth Sun - Camilla Townsend
Fifth Sun - Camilla Townsend
Fifth Sun - Camilla Townsend


366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency - Stephen A. Wynalda & Harry Turtledove
366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency - Stephen A. Wynalda & Harry Turtledove
366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency - Stephen A. Wynalda & Harry Turtledove


Impossible City - Simon Kuper
Impossible City - Simon Kuper
Impossible City - Simon Kuper


Medical Monopoly - Joseph M. Gabriel
Medical Monopoly - Joseph M. Gabriel
Medical Monopoly - Joseph M. Gabriel


Homelands - Timothy Garton Ash
Homelands - Timothy Garton Ash
Homelands - Timothy Garton Ash


The Splendid and the Vile - Erik Larson
The Splendid and the Vile - Erik Larson
The Splendid and the Vile - Erik Larson


The Renaissance - Will Durant
The Renaissance - Will Durant
The Renaissance - Will Durant



Showing 1–20 out of 100

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